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Classroom Expectations & Procedures

Classroom Expectations and Procedures 2014-2015


Classroom Expectations:


1.  ALWAYS do your best work!     

2.  Respect others.  Be kind with your words and actions.

3.  Listen carefully- If the teacher or other students are talking you need to be a quiet listener.

4.  Raise your hand if you would like to talk during group time or work time.

5.  Work and play safely!

6.  No talking or running in the hallway.

7.  Keep your hands to yourself. (No kicking, hitting, or touching other boys and girls)

8.  Respect school and personal property. (Do not touch other people’s things)



I can't stress enough the importance of good behavior and manners at school.  In order to establish a healthy, productive classroom learning environment it is essential that each student follow the classroom/school rules and expectations. When a persistent behavior issue arises, I will be communicating that to parents by a phone call, email, or note sent home. Minor day-to-day conflicts or behavior issues will be managed with the behavior chart for accountability and as opportunities to teach appropriate behavior and social skills.


**Good behavior will always be rewarded  (individually and group) with verbal praise, stickers, stamps, smiles, “caught being good” notes, good choice chain, post cards, candy and other incentives.


Our Moving Clip Chart

Each child has a clip on the clip chart.  Every student starts their clip on ready to learn, which is green in the middle.  The kids have the opportunity to move their clip up or down throughout the day depending upon the choices that they make.  If a clip is moved up, it can be moved down if behavior worsens.  In addition, if the behavior clip is moved down, it can be moved up if the behavior improves.  At the end of each day, the clip chart is recorded on a monthly behavior chart, which will be stapled inside the red folder.  Parents are expected to initial EVERY night.  Please keep in mind that your child will NOT move their clip every single day and that is okay!  In order to move above green, kids must go above and beyond with their behavior choices. I’m looking forward to this new system.  I’m excited about the opportunity it gives the kids to turn their day around and shine!  I’ve attached an explanation of the chart as well as a sample chart.


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